About 1 percent of people avoid cavities throughout life. That means you’ll probably need a filling at some point, if you don’t already have one. At Eagle Gate Dental, we use tooth-colored composite fillings to restore a patient’s tooth while maintaining its appearance. This restorative dentistry treatment offers long lasting results. However, fillings won’t last forever. In this blog post, Dr. James M. Wright and our team educate patients about the lifespan of tooth-colored fillings. To schedule your appointment with us, contact our Salt Lake City, UT practice today.


The Lifespan of a Composite Filling

A composite resin, tooth-colored filling generally lasts at least 10 years before needing replacement. In fact, advances in composite materials have led to a longer lifespan that is comparable to those offered by amalgam metal fillings. In addition, composites offer other benefits. Composite fillings look natural because they are custom-tinted to match surrounding enamel. They chemically bond to natural tooth tissue, which creates additional support and strength. In addition, tooth-colored fillings require less tooth preparation than other types of fillings, so you retain more healthy, natural tooth structure.

Signs That a Filling Needs Replacement

When the seal between a filling and natural tooth structure is compromised, bacteria can enter beneath the filling and cause tooth decay. This, in turn, may cause pain. If the tooth decay extends into the tooth’s core, the tooth will require a root canal and crown.

Cracked fillings are also a problem. If a filling cracks, you will probably experience sensitivity when eating hot or cold foods. A cracked filling should be replaced so that bacteria cannot enter the tooth.

In some cases, a patient experiences no pain and does not know that a filling has become damaged. At a dental checkup, the dentist can identify a failing filling early. He’ll look for decay around the edge of a filling, or for wear and weaknesses in the filling itself.

Replacing Composite Fillings

If your dentist determines that a filling is failing or has failed, it will require prompt replacement so that you can avoid further damage and more invasive treatment. The dentist may opt to replace the filling immediately or schedule an appointment as soon as your schedule allows.

When a filling is small to begin with, and there is not extensive decay beneath it, the doctor may be able to restore your tooth’s health and function by removing the existing filling and placing a new composite filling. However, in some cases, a filling must be replaced with a dental crown. Fillings fit within a cavity on a tooth, but crowns cover the entire white portion of a tooth outside of the gums. Crowns, therefore, offer a structural durability that fillings do not.

If you need a crown, and you want your tooth to remain white and natural looking, the doctor will place a ceramic, or porcelain, crown. This procedure takes two visits, and you’ll wear a temporary crown between appointments.

Contact Us for an Appointment

A toothache or sensitivity to heat and cold on a filled tooth could indicate that the filling needs replacement. To keep your mouth healthy and avoid more significant concerns, a failed filling should be replaced as soon as possible. Contact Eagle Gate Dental today to schedule a consultation or checkup with one of our dentists.