Salt Lake City Cosmetic Dentist

Eagle Gate Dental Blog

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What is The Best Teeth Whitening Treatment Available?

Do you dream of brighter, whiter teeth? If so, you aren’t alone. Everyone wants an attractive smile, and this means achieving one that is as perfect as possible.

What Effects Does Bleeding Gums Have?

Most people will notice blood in the sink after they have brushed their teeth at least once during their lifetime.

What Causes Gum Recession?

Gum recession is the term used to describe a condition whereby the gum tissue, which usually fits snugly around the teeth, pulls back away from them, exposing more of the enamel than is normally seen.

Root Canal vs Extraction

If you have a tooth that is very severely decayed or damaged, our dentist may suggest root canal treatment or, if the tooth is really beyond saving, extraction.

Benefits of Dental Implants

In an ideal world, we would be able to retain our adult teeth for the duration of our lifetime. Unfortunately, heavy wear and tear, an increase in the number of sugars in foods and bad habits such as smoking, teeth grinding...

Can Stress or Anxiety Cause your Teeth to Shift or Move?

Most of us deal with some degree of stress or anxiety on a day to day basis.

How to Treat a Toothache Without Tooth Extraction

There are many reasons your tooth might be hurting. Whether or not we recommend a tooth extraction will depend on why your tooth is in pain.

Benefits of Single-tooth Dental Implants

Despite our best efforts to look after our teeth, almost all of us will either lose a tooth or require an extraction by the time we reach our golden years.

Why Grinding One’s Teeth Causes Toothache

Toothache is an extremely common problem that will affect most of us at least once in our lifetime.

How to Overcome Dental Phobia

Dental phobia is an extremely common condition, believed to affect as many as many as 15% of the U.S population.